The Youth Mag

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by: Joy Maritim,  Kenya 


Your pain isn't smaller,

Your pain isn't less painful,

Your pain isn't less important,

Your pain is yours,

Your pain is just as painful.


You are allowed to grieve,

to hurt, 

to cry,

let it all out,


Don't dismiss your pain,

Don't compare your pain,

Don't hide your pain,

Don't deny your pain,

Cause your pain is yours and no one will understand it like you do, 

So don't dismiss it cause it seems less,


Through the tears you'll heal,

Through surrender He'll work,

Through the pain you'll be stronger,

Through the brokenness He'll comfort,

Through the hard days He'll mend your heart together again,


You're allowed to hurt, cause even then,

He is with you, working a new thing.